The Project Filters allow you to filter projects more effectively using various criteria. You can filter projects by their start date, end date, or activity within a specific timeframe.
Accessing the Project Filter:
You can find the Project Filter options in the project list view in upper right corner
Filter by Active in Time Frame
This filter shows all projects that were active for at least one day (based on their start date and end date) during the selected period.
How to Use:
Select the "Active in Time Frame" option.
Choose the desired time frame.
Allfred will display all projects that meet this criterion.
Filter by Start Date
This filter shows projects with a start date within the selected period.
How to Use:
Select the "Start Date" option.
Choose the desired time frame.
Allfred will display all projects that started within this period.
Filter by End Date
This filter shows projects with an end date within the selected period.
How to Use:
Select the "End Date" option.
Choose the desired time frame.
Allfred will display all projects that ended within this period.