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Work Costs: Tracking Hours for Individuals Without Access to Allfred
Work Costs: Tracking Hours for Individuals Without Access to Allfred

How to track hours of external freelancers that don't have access to Allfred?

Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over 6 months ago

If you've received an invoice from a freelancer or an individual who doesn't have access to Allfred, and you need to track their time because you're selling their work as your internal service, Allfred has a solution for this. You can log their time as an work expense, ensuring it aligns with your internal budgeting and reporting.

How to create a work expense?

1) Click on "+New" button in upper right corner and choose "Expense" option
In the project detail, click on the amount of spent budget -> then in modal click on "+Add new expense"

2) In the Expense items split, choose one of the Our Work budget items to assign the costs to.

3) Click on the checkbox "Track hours" to open the option for tracking hours.

4) Specify the task, the number of hours, the position, and the date for time tracking. Allfred uses the hourly rate of the selected position to deduct the corresponding amount from the project's available budget.

If you prefer not to track hours, Allfred will only deduct the total expense amount from the project's available budget, and the number of available hours to spend will remain unchanged.

Where to find Work Expense in project?

To get an overview of assigned costs for Our work at the project level, click on the amount of the spent budget in the project detail. This will open a modal window displaying detailed information about the expense, reported date, position, tracked hours, and the total amount.

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