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How to invoice work based on tracked hours by positions?
How to invoice work based on tracked hours by positions?
Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over a week ago

The difference between issuing the usual outgoing invoice and an invoice based on tracked hours is in the second invoicing step. The process also differs according to the type of project - Fixed price or Time and materials.

Please remember that you can invoice the positions only if you priced the client based on positions, not as a service.

Fixed price projects

1) In the second invoicing step, click on the button "Invoice positions" under the budget item name

2) select the positions you want to include in the invoice. Allfred will display a list of positions that were used in the budget, along with information about budgeted, already invoiced, uninvoiced and tracked hours in the tooltip.

3) The tracked amount will be automatically prefilled. The amount can be edited if needed.

4) In the third step, click on "generate from budget items", Allfred will transfer the chosen positions and budget items to the invoice.

Time and Materials Project

In the case of Time and Materials projects, you will be invoicing based on the actual time spent on the project.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1) In the first step of invoicing, input project and billing details.

2) In the second step, provide the required dates and utilize the "Generate from" button to transfer invoice items based on the following options:

  • Summary from tasks

  • Summary from positions

  • Detailed tasks and positions

3) Allfred will automatically calculate the amount based on the tracked time.

If you need to invoice the same Time and Materials project again, Allfred will offer you only the hours that haven't been invoiced previously after using the "Generate from" button.

You will also see information displayed indicating that the project was previously invoiced in Invoice Nr. XY, dated XY.

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