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How to create a new Task?
How to create a new Task?
Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over a month ago


How to create a new task?

Creating Task (assignment to deliver the services) is necessary for tracking the time spent on your projects. Without creating a task, you won't be able to track your team's working hours accurately.

A task can be created in several ways or from various places in Allfred. To create one, always click on the "+ New Task" button.

1) From project details

  • Hover over the budget item under which you want to create a task

  • click on + New task

  • Name: Fill in the name of the Task

  • Project/Budget item: When starting from Project details, this filed is automatically prefilled. You can assign here a task to a specific budget item (In case of project without budget, you can use also the Non-budgeted option)

  • Positions/People: Allfred will automatically pre-fill the number of hours and positions based on how you priced the client in the budget for that item. If you didn't specify the number of hours in the budget, you can enter the hours manually. Add the position and person that will be assigned to the task

  • Description: Add description and attachments

  • Duration: Duration is required in case you want to create capacity allocation in Planning for this task. Allfred will divide the Task Total hours by the number of working days set in the Duration range. (e.g. Allfred will plan 2 hours allocations per day for the Task with a total of 10 hours and a duration of 5 days.)

  • Deadline: Set the deadline for delivering the task if needed.

  • Priority, Status: choose the priority from Low to Urgent and tasks status

  • Billing Category: choose whether you will invoice these hours spent on the task to client or the task should stay non-billable (you are not going to invoice it)

  • Create allocation for this task: check this checkbox in case you want to create Allocation in Planning

  • Create

2) From the main menu

Use the "New Task" button on the main bar in the top right corner. As you didn't start from project detail, it is necessary to fill in the project and budget item manually. Then proceed as in first case.

3) From Planning

Another option for creating a task is through Planning. Here, you can plan capacities for yourself or your team members. Press the "+" button in the column of a specific team member. Instead of choosing existing tasks, select the "Create New Task" option.

Task status

For Allfred to serve well, we recommend using task statuses, for better orientation and managing of assigned tasks.

  • New

  • Briefed

  • In progress

  • In review

  • Approved

  • Done

Admins can customize Task statuses in Workpace settings. Here you can find how.

Task details

When viewing a task in detail, you'll have access to all the important information, such as:

  • related project and budget item

  • assigned people and positions

  • planned and tracked hours

  • task priority

  • task status

  • deadline

  • description

  • communication

  • attachments

  • linked tasks

Attachments and assignment details are right at your fingertips. You can communicate with your team within the task, tag colleagues, react to their comments with emojis, or select the required status of task. Allfred will send notifications to keep everyone informed about any changes.

You can organize tasks by duplicating or moving them to another project. Learn more here.

Allfred offers a seamless task-linking feature, allowing users to establish connections between tasks. Whether tasks are related, duplicated, blocked, or caused, this functionality provides clarity and context to your project and tasks workflow.

List of Tasks

In the Tasks section, you can find a list of all tasks. You can switch between "Highlighted", "My tasks", "My created Tasks" or "All tasks", view and filter them by client or brand, project, budget item, team, status, priority, assigned people or positions, creator of the task, or task deadline.

Tasks are sorted based on their status, from New to Done. Done tasks are hidden by default, but you can display them using the "Show Done tasks" option.

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