What Are Quotes in Allfred?
In Allfred, a Quote is a financial offer sent to a client for approval before work begins. It serves as a formal cost estimate detailing the project scope, pricing, and terms. Once approved, tasks are carried out based on the agreed terms. Each quote is assigned a unique ID, making it easy to reference in purchase orders.
Quotes include all necessary details, such as:
✅ The agency’s billing details (IBAN, legal entity)
✅ The client’s billing information
✅ The total amount (with or without VAT)
✅ Optional disclaimers and terms
Understanding the four types of cost estimates in Allfred
1️⃣ Proposal – A budget in proposal status that isn’t linked to a project yet. These are often used for tenders or pre-approval discussions with clients. You can find them in Budgets → Proposals, where you can convert them into projects with one click.
2️⃣ Budgets – These are detailed budgets linked to specific projects. They can either be assigned to a project (meaning they define its structure) or unassigned (e.g., drafts or past versions).
3️⃣ Quotes – A PDF version of a budget sent to a client for approval. Quotes allow you to define how the offer is displayed and structured. Once created, all quotes are stored in a dedicated list of Quotes and can be sent directly to the client from Allfred.
4️⃣ Templates – Predefined budget templates saved under the "Templates" brand. These can be used to quickly generate new budgets for different projects.
What is a Quote?
A Quote is a structured financial document generated from a Budget or Proposal and sent to the client for approval. Every quote has a unique ID and contains all relevant financial details required for approval, making it easy to reference in purchase orders. Clients can approve, reject, or download the quote directly from Allfred.
How to create a Quote?
Before creating a quote, ensure that a Budget or Proposal exists. Quotes can be created from:
🔹 The global budget listing
🔹 The Budget tab inside a project
Step-by-step guide to creating a Quote:
1️⃣ Navigate to the Quote section -> Budgets or Project detail -> Budgets
2️⃣ Hover over a budget and click +Quote.
3️⃣ A new tab will open, displaying the Quote preview (left side) and Quote settings (right side).
4️⃣ Configure the settings:
Creation date
Validity period ("Valid for")
Show Disclaimer & edit it (use
for bullet points, and include links if needed)Display total amount with or without VAT
Settings for Work items:
Show positions in Columns, Rows, or Hide them
Choose Summary or Detailed budget item view (note: Summary view works only with Positions in columns option)
Show item Descriptions
Display VAT
Display priced Hours
Show Discounts
Settings for External Costs:
Show Commission
Display Quantity
Show Discounts
Include Item Descriptions
Display VAT
Billing Settings:
Select Agency Legal Entity
Choose Client’s Billing Entity
Select Agency Bank Account (if there are multiple)
5️⃣ Click Preview to update the quote view.
6️⃣ (Optional) Select "Save settings for workspace" to apply these settings to all future quotes.
7️⃣ Click Save to store the quote.
8️⃣ Click Download to export the quote as a PDF.
9️⃣ Click Send to send the quote directly to the client.
Once saved, the quote receives an automatically generated Quote Number, which can be referenced in purchase orders. The quote number is also displayed in the budget details for quick navigation.
How to send a Quote to a client?
Allfred allows you to send quotes directly to clients for approval.
1️⃣ Open the Quote and click Send (or use the Send button from the Quotes list).
2️⃣ Enter the main recipient’s email (this person has approval rights).
3️⃣ (Optional) Add CC recipients who can view the quote but cannot approve/reject it.
4️⃣ Set the Email Subject.
5️⃣ Write the Email Content (e.g., a message explaining the quote).
6️⃣ Click Send.
7️⃣ The client receives an email with a link to the quote.
8️⃣ In the quote view, the client can choose to:
✅ Approve the quote
❌ Reject the quote
📄 Download the quote
9️⃣ Once the client approves/rejects the quote, the agency receives a notification.
🔹 Approved quotes will automatically update the Client Approval Date in the Quotes listing.
🔹 In the Budget Listing, the "Client Approved" checkbox will be marked.
List of Quotes
The Quotes Listing contains all created quotes across projects.
Column | Description |
Number | Unique, automatically generated Quote ID |
Brand | The brand used in the quote (if created from a proposal, there may be no brand assigned) |
Project | The project name (or "Temporary Project" for proposals) |
Account Manager | The user who created the quote |
Budget No. | The budget number linked to the quote (by clicking on Budget no., you can edit the budget) |
Price | Total amount excluding VAT |
Date | Quote creation date |
Sent to Client | Date when the quote was sent to the client |
Client Approval | Date and person who approved the quote (manual approval option available) |
Actions | Edit (✏️), Delete (🗑️), Download, Send |
Filters Available:
🔹 Brand
🔹 Project
🔹 Internally Approved (Yes/No)
🔹 Client Approved (Yes/No)
🔹 Date
Key Takeaways
✅ Quotes in Allfred provide a structured way to send pricing proposals to clients.
✅ Clients can approve, reject, or download quotes directly from Allfred.
✅ All quotes are stored and tracked in a dedicated list for easy management.
✅ Approval status automatically updates in the system for accurate financial tracking.
Now you’re ready to create, send, and manage quotes seamlessly in Allfred! 🚀