The Allfred & Pipedrive integration ensures an automated transfer of creted deals from Pipedrive into Allfred, where they are created as projects. This eliminates manual data entry and keeps your sales and project management workflows seamlessly connected.
How Does It Work?
Connecting Allfred with Pipedrive
1️⃣ Go to Workspace Settings in Allfred.
2️⃣ Click on the Initialize button under Pipedrive Integration.
3️⃣ Log in to your Pipedrive account.
4️⃣ A confirmation window will appear with the permissions Allfred will have.
5️⃣ Click Allow and Install to proceed.
6️⃣ A confirmation message "Pairing Successful" will appear.
7️⃣ Once connected, proceed to configure your integration settings.
Integration settings
Once the integration is active, you can configure the transfer conditions in Workspace Settings:
Pipedrive Stage – Select the stage in Pipedrive that triggers project creation in Allfred.
Project Stage – Define the initial stage of the newly created project (Pending, Lost or Active).
Project Billing Category – Choose if the project should be Billable or Non-Billable.
Project creation in Allfred
When a deal reaches the selected stage in Pipedrive, a project is automatically created in Allfred with the following details:
✅ Project Name = Pipedrive Deal Title
✅ Brand = Organization in Pipedrive (if the organization does not exist in Allfred, it is created; otherwise, it is matched to the existing one)
✅ Contact Person = Transferred from Pipedrive, including phone number & email
✅ Billing Category = Billable or Non-Billable, based on settings
✅ Project Manager = The user in Allfred with the same email as the Pipedrive deal owner
✅ Notification – Users receive an alert when the project is created
✅ Pre-sale budget item – A default budget item (similar to Not Budgeted) is created, which cannot be invoiced
Optional settings for advanced synchronization
🔹 Budget Sync: When a budget is created in Allfred and marked as internally approved, the budget sections (blue rows) are transferred into Pipedrive as Products and Variants.
(⚠️ Note: Data transfer is one-way, meaning information flows from Pipedrive → Allfred, but not the other way around.)
🔹 Project Status Sync: Changing the project stage in Allfred to Active automatically updates the deal status in Pipedrive to WON.
🔹 Lost Deals Sync: If a deal in Pipedrive is marked as Lost, the connected project in Allfred is closed, and its stage is updated to Lost.
For any questions or setup assistance, reach out to [email protected]. 🚀