The Quotes section serves as a hub for creating budget proposals, downloading budgets in PDF (=Quotes), editing default or client rate cards.
1) Budgets
In the budget section, users have access to a comprehensive overview of all budgets within their workspace. This includes active budgets synchronized with projects, budget proposals, and even archived budgets for historical reference.
To streamline the search process, a variety of filters are available, allowing for sorting by brand, project, or approval status — whether internally approved or client-approved.
From here, you can export budgets to PDF and create a Quote. Simply use +Quote button. The customizable download settings offer flexibility, permitting users to choose the types of information displayed on the exported PDF, such as positions (displayed in rows or columns), item descriptions, VAT visibility, and more, ensuring that the output matches the specific needs of the user or client.
Proposals sub-tab
In this tab you can find list of all created budget proposals or templates and easily create new project from them.
3) Positions
In the Positions, tab you can find all the Positions that are used in created rate cards.
4) Hourly rates and commissions
Here you can find the list of default or client Rate cards - specific hourly rates or commissions for media pricing or other external expenses. For each client, you can create multiple position sets.
The one designated as "Active" will be automatically selected when drafting a new budget for that client. However, you can easily switch between different position sets while creating a budget.
How to set the default rate cards?
Go to "Hourly rates and commissions" part and click on "+add brand rate card".
In Brand field choose "Default hourly rates".
Enter required positions and rates and set the commissions for external production and media budget if needed.
All the default rate cards are listed in the first row you can find "Default hourly rates". They will be automatically used when creating new budget proposals (in case you don't use set brand rate cards).
You can create multiple default rate cards (e.g., for smaller clients or CSR projects) and choose between them when creating a new budget proposal.