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Subtasks allow you to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces while still maintaining a connection to the parent task.

Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over 2 months ago

What Are Subtasks?

Subtasks are tasks created as child tasks under a parent task. When creating a subtask, selecting a parent task is mandatory. If no parent task is selected, the task will automatically be considered a main (or standard) task.

Key features of subtasks:

  • Separate Time Tracking: Subtasks allow for individual time tracking distinct from the parent task.

  • Allocations: You can also allocate specific resources to subtasks in the planning section, just like with main tasks.

  • Work Expense Assignment: You can assign work expense with tracked hours to subtask

How to Create a Subtask

Creating a subtask follows a similar process to creating a standard task, with one key difference: you must select a parent task during the creation process.

  1. Use +New button (option +Task) in the upper right corner or click on the + Subtask button in Project detail.

  2. Fill in the task details:

    • Name of the subtask

    • Project name

    • Budget item

    • Parent task - In the Parent Task field, select the main task under which this subtask will fall. This step is required for the task to be classified as a subtask. If you started the process from project detail, the parent task is automatically prefilled

  3. Assign team members or resources as needed.

  4. Add description, set task duration, deadline or priority.

  5. Click Save to finalize the subtask creation.

Note: If you do not select a parent task, the task will be saved as a main task by default.

Where Can I Find Subtasks?

  • Project Details: Subtasks are visible in the project overview, visually separated by being slightly indented under the parent task

  • Task Listings: In the general task listing, subtasks are displayed alongside main tasks, visually separated by being slightly indented under the parent task. Parent tasks can be collapsed or expanded to show or hide their subtasks by clicking on "Hide all subtasks" button.

Task Details: Inside the task details, subtasks are listed under the Subtasks tab, making them easy to locate and manage.

Deleting tasks and subtasks

  • You cannot delete subtasks with tracked hours. To proceed, you need to delete or edit the tracked time first.

  • The same for tasks that have subtasks: You cannot delete them if one of its subtasks has tracked hours. To proceed, you need to delete or edit the tracked time first.

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