How to create a new user?
1) Go to Users section
2) “+ Add new user” button
3) Insert user detail as name, surname, codename (e.g. sortcut), email address or phone number
4) Select the team (one user can be only in one team but it doesnt mean that they are not able to cooperate with other teams or on projects from other teams)
5) Select the user role that will determined their permisson
6) Insert the internal hourly rate that will be used for calculating agency work profit
7) Choose whether user should be visible in Plannig or Utilization report
8) Set users daily capacity
9) Set the profile color (or upload the photo)
10) Set the password
How to deactivate or delete user?
Go to Users section
Select required user
Use action menu and click on Deactivate or Delete
Note: you cannot delete user with tracked time. Delete their time entries first
Roles and permissions
see only sections Tasks, Planning, Time, Reports and Users (only the list of users)
don't have access to projects and budgets
can create tasks for themself or other users as well
can change the task status, add comments and attachments in Tasks
can plan capacity in Planning
can report time and see his reports
Project managers
create projects and access the projects in which they are assigned
add contractors, brands, clients
close/finish the project
access the projects under brands or clients where they are assigned
see the quotes/budget proposals they created
have access to the finances related to their projects, but don't see the internal financial indicators (such as users' profitability)
prepare documents for invoicing (request for invoicing), not real invoice
create Expenses - only drafts, for approval
can edit the tracked time of other users
see time reports and project revenue of projects where he is assigned
see the list of Users, but cannot add new ones or change existing ones
cannot create position sets/rate cards for brands
Team leaders
can add and edit Project managers within projects
can add Users and edit positions and if they should be visible in plannining, but cannot change their team/role/password
create position sets/rate cards
close/finish projects
cannot see internal financial indicators of projects
Financier / CFO / Managing director / Admin
everything that was mentioned in hierarchically lower roles applies
can edit Users, as well as change their team/role/password
only the notifications are different between the mentioned roles
can approve budgets/proposals
sees all financial indicators, documents and data
can issue a real financial document (e.g. invoice)